Boredom was beginning to set in after all that pre-Christmas mayhem. As a lark I entered the contest sponsored by this blog and Maggie Sefton, a terrific writer of knitting based murder mysteries. I submitted some titles for possible book titles.
I was flabbergasted. Unfortunately I can't reveal what my winning title was because apparently, good title stealing is quite the treachery in the writing world! I'll be receiving as my prize a set of autographed books from the author's Kelly Flynn series. Í enjoyed "Knit One, Kill Two", so I'm looking forward to reading more of her novels. What a really nice surprise!
Meanwhile, after completing my big Wallaby sweater project for Shaun's gift I was desperate for a little, mindless project.
One that would fulfill my need to exercise some thrift and at the same time make use of the many clutterballs of cotton yarn I've accumulated. Not to mention it's been a while since I've knitted a Ballband Dishcloth!
Well, it never hurts to throw in a Grandma's Favorite Dishcloth for good measure now, does it?
Doesn't everyone knit while they're waiting in a restaurant?
I happen to think pure bliss is a a good log cabin/ ball band/toe up sock and a three olive dirty martini!
Have a good week knitting and using up all your yarn clutterballs!