Angora. For those never-ending baby gifts.
Our only GROUP PROJECT purchase. (remember the Koigu mitered squares jacket of Stitches 2008? It sits, half of the back knit....sigh.) Planning to do a needle felting progressive get-together during the darkest, bleakest part of the winter months!
Overall, the Market seemed to be very subdued when we were there on Friday and Saturday. Lots of vendors seem to be offering their patterns for sale only in kits with their yarn. I didn't think that folks were really buying a lot of yarn. Remember when you could buy sock yarn for around $13? Was it my imagination or did yarn prices seem higher? As also pattern prices?
I, personally, spent well under half of my usual amount this year on the Market floor. There were 11 rows of vendors and some vendors had multi booths. Some vendors offered some simple free patterns and candy. I noticed again that novelty yarn continues to be incorporated in many scarves and sweaters. Probably because folks still have so much of it lanquishing in their stashes. Like me! BTW, We saw many beautiful handknit sweaters, wraps and scarves worn by attendees this year. A few Clapotis. Lots of lace shawls and tasteful novelty scarves. A few February sweaters.
The lighting and climate control were great. For your convenience there was a coat check. The concession was fairly prices and run very efficiently. I liked the Connecticut venue, despite the travel time/distance. It was easy to catch the shuttle bus to eat at local places like The Hot Tomato (great Italian!) and City Steam Brewery Cafe. People were friendly and helpful. Yes, I'll probably go back next year.
Back at home...
I completed my knitted beaded bracelet after taking a class at Knitter's Edge. I made it more of a bangle, foregoing the toggle and ring closures. I'm happy with the appearance. Any kind of gold lame' or silver ropey yarn would work. My beads are 6mm amethysts.
Speaking of love...
Kringle remains content in his twilight years. Skin over bones, but, when awake, can be found sitting on the bathroom sink's edge, waiting for someone to turn on the faucet.
May you have a happy knitting week!